Thursday, January 04, 2007

Jack Burton and Thundarr

"Like I told my last wife, I said, Honey, I never drive faster than I can see, and besides... it's all in the reflexes. Now I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think we're alone in THIS universe."

Big Trouble in Little China will always be a favorite of mine, and actually gets more quotes on a daily basis than any other movie, including Caddyshack, Animal House, Pulp Fiction, or Fight Club. Moreover it is a great setting for an Rpg.

We experimented with the concept of the story, and of course looked forward to besting the three storms. We also sought out any npc that resembled great character actor Al Leong. He is usaully type cast as the mean asian guy, that can Kung fu your ass, but he was great as the photographer in She's Having a Baby. He's been in everything, and you can check IMDB to provide collaboration.

Anywho... its a tough mix of a little chinese sorcery, and black magic,
martial arts, and guns, lots of guns, and trucks, and monsters and what have you. Maybe someone could use Modern and go from there with other books. It's very playable.

On another note, who misses Thundarr and his fabulous Sun Sword, and him yelling Demon Dogs, and all that?Me. That's who. What the hell is a Mock anyway?I love the post apocalyptic world where the riddle of steel rings true.And sorcerors are always a problem regardless of setting.

One thing that bugs me though. Ariel is a princess, but wields magic better than Ergo the Magnificent from Krull. You know him, short of stature, tall in power, broad of vision and narrow of purpose. ( or something like that) So why doesn't the barbarian rage all over her magic dispensing ass? Hmmm?


Jeff Rients said...

This post has convinced me that we were separated at birth.

Here are the games you need, right now:

For Big Trouble, use Feng Shui.

For Thundarr, go with Encounter Critical. Cross out the word "wooky" every time it appears in the text and pencil in "mok".

Scott said...

Thanks for the whimsy and recommendations. I have already scammed a copy of Encounter Critical.

You are the Fonzie to my Potsie.